Monday 26 January 2009


Fully realizing the importance of media coverage for participants and sponsors, the organisation of the Libya Desert Challenge is investing a large budget in maximising press coverage for the 2009 edition of the rally. We currently have already 30 journalists, cameramen and photographers and the list is still growing. Here are some examples:

Al Jazeera Sport TV
Adubhabi Sport TV
All 3 Libyan TV stations
Rally maniacs (Holland)
Topspeed TV (Holland)
Het Nieuwsblad (Belgium)
4x4 Activ (Belgium)
Quad Activ (Belgium)
My Land Rover Magazine (Belgium)
Quad Passion Magazine (France)
Tutto quad et ATV Magazine (Italy)

General information meeting - 4th February 2009

At the request of some Dutch and Belgian participants we decided to organise a general briefing for people participating this year in the LDC rally and anyone who may need some extra information before they take the final decision to join us in March. The meeting will take place in the headquarters of Garmin Belgium. This means that if you still have questions regarding your GPS, you can bring them with you. On the agenda: the tracks and their difficulties, guidelines for safe dune driving, safety equipment & procedures, transport, race rules, what material to bring, etc.

Timing: Wednesday, 4th February between 20.00h and 22.00h
Address: Pieter Dupontstraat 165 in 1140 Evere (Brussels)